Monday 27 January 2014

"Looking At This And That. The Avoidance Tactics."

I think I heard someone say that the main purpose of life is to find enough distractions. Which sounds a little bit lacking in ambition. But I know what they mean. Having been someone who bust a gut looking for a purpose, a big purpose, to my being here, I can now see the appeal in simply looking for distractions.

Of course, those distractions don't have to be meaningless and trivial. Although I am partial to a game of solitaire or sudoko on my iphone when I'm in the little boy's room (that's really not very sexist in our house, because it mainly is a little boy's room). But you could get distracted by trying to prevent poverty, solving world peace, becoming a Pope who actually sides with the folk from the wrong side of town, or something less enormous, but never the less altruistic.

It's nice to get distracted by stuff that will make the world a better place for other people. Though that is sometimes a hard one to get right. Unasked for help can be condescending and cause more problems than it solves. But as long as you're prepared to change tactics mid "help" it's still a very good distraction to be distracted by.

I'm getting distracted at the moment by trying to write a song for a commercial artist who is a young woman in her early twenties. No, I don't consider myself the best candidate for this job. It's simply a challenge I've set myself this year. And, no, there isn't anything worthy about this particular distraction. But it does stop me thinking too many pompous, conceited, holier than thou thoughts about the modern pop world. Mainly because it's bloody difficult. It's not just about writing a brilliant song (at least in modern pop terms). There are a million other hurdles to jump through too.

But I'm giving it a shot. It's keeping me off the streets. Though it probably won't change the world very much in other ways.

Yours Distractedly


The line "Looking at this and that. The avoidance tactics" is from my song The Book (unreleased, though there is this rubbishy youtube vid of me singing it in my boudoir).

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