Tuesday 28 January 2014

"Oh Tuesday, Don't Be Blue Day"

This line was from a song  collaboration with a few songwriting friends. So it's quite possible I didn't even write it. But on a song collaboration everyone takes the blame. And everyone gets the praise. If there is any going. Collaborations are good when you're struggling to do it on your own.

I'm feeling a little bit short of inspiration right now.  It's the down side to committing to doing something, anything, on a regular basis. The well will run dry, but the job still has to get done. And the truth is I've got a brain, so the well is never really dry.  There is hundreds of stuff in there that I haven't even begun to tap. And some of it you might even want to hear about. Some of it I might even want to hear about.

But I'm squeezing the lemon hard right now, as you can tell, and though the drips are still dripping, I'm seeing far more seeds, and pith, and skin than juice.

But don't be blue. I think I've got just enough for a pancake. Alright, it's not Shrove Tuesday, but hey, I'm married to a dutch woman. Pancakes are for anytime.

Anybody got a teaspoon of sugar?

"Oh Tuesday, don't be blue day" is from the song All I Want To Do (Wanna Dance) - July 4th 2013 (Co-Writers Steve Jones and Tina Pluchino)

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