Monday 13 January 2014

“Sometimes I’m a Dragon, I Breathe Fire”

Yeah. It’s true. And there is a place for fire breathing. Especially when it comes to bringing down the bad guys.

But it’s not really the thing for domestic situations. However, anyone who has spent any amount of time living with me knows that, despite being a peace loving bloke, it is not unknown for me to have outbursts of fairly intense shouting. Otherwise known as losing my temper. It is not an attractive feature.

I’m the kind of person who feels things very deeply and passionately. And I think a lot about right and wrong. I came into adult life with a lot of insecurity and a tendency towards depression, which at times in my life has bordered on the suicidal. In the past all my frustrations and emotional turmoil was directed inwards. It was very self destructive, and it didn’t make living with myself very easy. Or easy for those around me.

There was a point, and I’m not quite sure when that was, when I perhaps started to get a sense that I wasn’t the cause of everything that was wrong in the world. I became more balanced, and started blaming persons and situations outside of myself. Which was a kind of step in the right direction. But depression got replaced at times by anger. And that isn’t easy to live with either.

But I’m at a time in my life where I’m doing something about some of the bad habits that I’ve developed over the years. In the widest sense this is simply about taking responsibility for my world, my actions and my speech. I do of course have some good characteristics, and I learnt a long time ago that a guilt complex does nothing to change behaviour. But putting a name to the bad ways is an important part of change.

Which is what I am doing right now.

ps. I asked my wife to pick the song line for today’s blog.

The line “Sometimes I’m a Dragon, I breathe fire” comes from my song A Human Being which is on my album of the same name.

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