Sunday, 2 March 2014

"And Your Face Is The Fallout"

Yesterday I happened upon a police car using the bottom of our drive (which we share with some council offices) as a location for their speed trap.

I had spotted this happening once before, and decided that I wasn't happy about them doing it. So I spoke to PC Driver "I don't want to spoil your fun, but this is our driveway". He said "Well we're on police business, but if you're saying you don't want us to be here...". And I finished with something lame like "Well, I'll leave that up to you, you're the Police"smiled and walked off. I don't know when they left, but they had left when I came back.

And I don't know why I'm telling you this. Except perhaps that I had always felt quite intimidated by "authority" figures in the distant past. And I have always hated conflict. And although I still felt a little bit of tension when I was talking to this guy, it really wasn't that big a deal.

I'm glad I'm relatively comfortable doing that kind of thing these days. Because I happen to think that challenging the Status Quo (and having watched their supposedly FINAL gig at Milton Keynes Bowl over 30 years ago, I feel very strongly about this) is one of the most important duties we have as citizens.

It is a nice delusion we might sometimes tell ourselves, if we haven't happened to grow up in Stalinist Russia, or Nazi Germany, that WE would  never  let  Bad Men Or Women get anywhere near power. WE would have made a stand against them.

But the truth is that none of the really BAD guys will ever get anywhere near power by walking on to The One Show and announcing: "I feel the way forward for our country is to carry out a purge against all the Poles and Romanians and  the Dole-sters and the Gays and anyone who disagrees with me".

Nope it happens gradually. By stealth. Which is why my little rebellion yesterday was one small step for me, one giant leap for liberal democracy. Oh yeah!

The line "And your face is the fallout" is from my song Fallout off the album A Human Being.

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