Friday, 21 February 2014

"Here's A Good Place To Look At The View"

For someone who is not a great fan of DIY, and someone who is not very good at it, I think I have done more of it than anyone I know. Despite the protests. My protests. Despite the intentions to avoid.

I don't know how it happens, but it happens. And sometimes I don't even mind. Like today. I've been outside putting a roof on a large construction that used to be  home to two Snowy Owls. (The place where we stay is a part of what used to be the Scottish Owl Centre). We've already (me and Brian...a legend) put down a heap of decking. With a bit of help from The Boys at different times. And now we're putting a roof over it.

So I'm outside, on one of the better days we've had so far this year, knocking in roofing nails, which is something I can cope with. Simple and repetitive. And I can look out over Campbeltown Loch and Davaar Island and the famous Ben Gullion. And the only fly in the appointment is the slightly too loud industrial hum of Campbeltown Creamery. But that's being picky. Their cheese is fantastic.

The roof is not far off completion now. And we'll have an outside space who's first use (hopefully) will be for an outside reception at the wedding of my oldest son Daniel, to Susanna. And it is her Dad who started the Owl Centre, and she grew up there. Which is a nice little additional touch to the whole thing.

In the future I'm hoping to be staging little concerts there as well, for me, other local songwriters, and anyone else we can persuade. It'll be great. Outdoors but under cover. A good place to look at the view.  To relax. And let the music  drown out ALL the flies in EVERYBODY'S ointment.

PS. I smiled at a stranger today. But not before a stranger had smiled at me. I hope you succeeded in beating those dang strangers to it!

The line "Here's a good place to look at the view" is from my song You Don't Have To Be Strong on the album A Human Being.

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