I don't want this to make you sad, but there was a time when I used to smile more. Ironically though, when I look back at the photo's, the smiley me seemed to happen a lot more during some of the more difficult times in my life.
Here's a challenge. For me anyway. And you too if you're in the mood.
Smile at a stranger tomorrow. Doesn't matter which particular stranger. Although a stranger who looks in need of the smile would be the best choice. And it doesn't matter if you have a reason to smile, but best of all smile without a reason. Why? Well, among other things, smiling is a good facial workout, I heard. And a smile gets passed on, making the world a happier place. Someone said that too. In addition, if you smile at a stranger every day you will increase your lifespan by 7 years.
I made that up.
Anyway, I hear you saying that you're not in the mood. Me neither. But I need to get myself in that mood. Same way that I need to get myself to the top of Ben Gullion, when I haven't managed it because of the miserable rain for a couple of weeks. It's getting out of the ruts. Getting into the habit of getting out of the ruts.
I saw 12 Years A Slave recently. To be honest, we've got a lot of reasons to smile. Freedom and no whippings being just two of them for most of us.
"Return the smile and wait a while" is from my song Bathing In The Moon. Which has been released on a local co-operative album many years old, called Mayhem On Mainstreet. But if you can find it, well done.
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